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The Organic Farming Advantage

Why greenhouses are the best environment for growing premium, organic produce

Farmers understand the increasing demand for organic produce. Consumers are willing to pay more for food that is perceived as healthier and more environmentally friendly. And high-end retailers offer premium prices for organic products, but that comes with strict requirements.

Let’s explore why greenhouses are ideal for organic farming and how Vegtech Netafim can help you achieve the highest standards of organic production.  

The Benefits of Organic Produce

Health Benefits

Organic produce is grown without synthetic chemicals and GMOs, which many people believe makes it healthier. Their marketing teams have done a great job at selling this as a premium benefit, with a higher price tag. 

Environmental Impact

Organic farming practices are designed to be more sustainable and less harmful to the environment. Making environmentally conscious buying choices is a trend that is becoming more and more important to a growing number of consumers. 

Perceived Quality

Many consumers believe that organic produce tastes better and is of higher quality. They see organic labels as a badge of honour, and a trusted purchase. 

The premium price of organic produce reflects these benefits and the trust built through organic certifications. For farmers, obtaining these certifications is crucial to tap into this lucrative market.

Achieving Organic Requirements in a Greenhouse

A common question is whether food grown in greenhouses can be considered organic. The answer is yes, provided the farming practices within the greenhouse meet organic standards.

Some people think organic agriculture is an “ancient” or “backward” approach to farming that shuns technology. But this is not the case. Many modern tools and technologies actually enhance the ability to produce and control high-quality, high-yield organic produce.

Here’s how our greenhouses can meet organic requirements:

Organic Fertiliser

To be considered organic, produce must be grown with natural, organic fertilisers and nutrients instead of synthetic ones.

Greenhouses use sophisticated fertiliser dosing systems that can be carefully controlled and optimised for different plants. The dosing systems we use were pioneered by Netafim decades ago and are still the gold standard in the industry. They are designed to handle the organic fertilisers that other dosing systems struggle with. Another benefit is that organic fertilisers are often more cost-effective than synthetic ones.

Pest and Disease Control

Organic standards prohibit synthetic pesticides. Instead, organic farming relies on natural pest control methods.

The controlled environment of a greenhouse reduces the need for extensive pesticide use, lowering costs and ensuring compliance with organic standards. This means there is less risk of pests getting in, and less need for pesticide spraying. If there is a pest problem, it can be managed far more effectively through physical barriers, natural predators, and organic pesticides derived from plants. Plus, there is no need to bring in foreign insects for pest control which could affect the wider environment. 

Soil Health

Soil health is a critical component of organic farming. This includes using organic matter to enrich the soil and avoid synthetic soil amendments.

In greenhouses, soil health is maintained through natural practices like crop rotation, composting, and the use of organic mulches. Our greenhouses are designed to facilitate these practices, ensuring that the soil remains fertile and healthy without artificial soil rejuvenation methods.

Growing Medium

Organic farming often uses soil as the growing medium, but other organic materials like coconut coir or peat moss can also be used.

Vegtech Netafim’s greenhouses support the use of all organic growing mediums, which are essential for maintaining the organic integrity of the produce. We have access to great quality growing mediums and trellising for any kind of produce.

Sustainable and Biodiversity-Friendly Practices

Organic farming promotes sustainability and biodiversity.

Greenhouses help achieve this by using water efficiently, minimising waste, and creating a controlled environment that reduces the need for external inputs. Our advanced irrigation systems, for example, ensure that water is used efficiently and we are able to protect the water table by isolating all the runoff so we don’t contaminate the natural groundwater. 

Natural Pollination

Organic farming emphasises natural processes, including pollination. In a greenhouse, natural pollinators can be introduced and managed more effectively, ensuring that crops are pollinated without the need for synthetic aids.


Organic standards prohibit genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for growing crops.

Greenhouses optimise growing conditions, reducing the need for pest-resistant GMO strains. By closely controlling the environment, we can grow high-quality, high-yield non-GMO produce that meets organic standards.

Want to grow your profits, organically?

We’re driven by supporting innovative greenhouse solutions that ensure success in organic farming. Our commitment to sustainable farming practices in Africa helps farmers grow more food with fewer resources and achieve a greener, healthier future for all.

Get in touch with us today on +27 21 987 6980 or to learn more about how our greenhouse solutions can help you achieve your organic farming goals.